Stocks, Charts, and Sectors of Interest

Posted by Bull Bear Trader | 7/23/2008 06:34:00 AM | 0 comments »

Coming soon with more frequency at Bull Bear Trader will be stocks, charts, and/or sectors of interest. Of interest will be stocks on the move with potential and/or new opportunities for growth, upcoming earnings announcements, or changes in analyst coverage, charts with interesting price action and patterns, or indicators setting up for a potential move, and sectors or specific industries that are leading the market or seeing increased activity. As for the normal disclaimer: once again, none of the stocks listed are recommendations to buy or sell, but ones that may be worth watching or performing further due diligence on. These are simply stocks, sectors, and data I am currently watching, and now include on the blog for those readers who may be interested. In many cases I will not have a position, or even planning a position, but am simply offering an opinion or observation. Readers should take any comments as such.