Microsoft Not Polishing The Shine

Posted by Bull Bear Trader | 4/01/2008 07:26:00 AM | , | 0 comments »

We recently mention Yahoo!'s roll out of its Shine website for women, but apparently this is not affecting Microsoft. Given the market downturn, and Yahoo!'s recent roadshow that failed to impress, Microsoft does not feel the need to bid against itself. Given the decline in Microsoft stock, the once $44.6 billion dollar deal is now worth about $42 billion. Given that Yahoo shares are still under the bid price (now around $29.25), it also does not appear that the market is expecting a higher bid - or at least not putting their money where their mouth is. Nonetheless, I would not be surprised if the deal closed slightly higher, allowing both sides to claim victory. Both sides really have no other choice (options, or bidders).

Tickers: MSFT, YHOO